Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Return of the run

Having been laid up with the knee for so long I decided enough was enough so off to the Doc's I headed. As usual a bit of prodding and poking to make the issue sore to then pinpoint the problem - ITB Syndrome (oh joy I yelped as I tried to straighten my leg)

As far as I'm aware this is quite a common issue also known as runner's knee so a diet of stretches and exercises are prescribed.
You may have heard of a foam roller?
The doctor asked.
I replied, adding
It hurts like hell when I try to roll my leg
 The Doc's response
Ah it will do to start with, it must be quite bad but will get better. In the meantime if you feel good for it by all means go for a short run to keep active and all the other muscles working. Also, to aid in the recovery process we can give you a steroid injection, which will work for 3-4 months whilst you build up the supporting muscles to prevent this happening again.
Now, for those that know me and my girls you will be aware of the recent steroid injections Helen has had in various joints and I am all too aware of the ensuing pain.
Will it be painful? The girlfriend has had them in her elbows and they were agony
I asked.
There will be a little pain initially  but the injection in your knee wont go into any tight joint areas so shouldn't be as bad
I was reassured.
Sign me up!!
So off I popped with an appointment pending for an injection an series of exercises to perform. Around rolled the following Monday and I was itching to get out and try the new headlamp so off I set with a nice little 3k in mind. No more than 300 metres in and I could already feel the impending pain building in my knee but I persevered on. By the time I reached home again I was in agony and knew that maybe another fortnight of exercises were going to be undertaken before trying that again. The following day I could barely walk up the stairs to my office and all was not well again :-(

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Wetter than an otter's pocket

Well it has been a fortnight since the Coniston 10k and the left knee still isn't 100%. So instead of pushing through the pain as I'd normally do I've sat back and rested and god that is hard work - for anyone who is used to going to the gym every day or running 3-4 times a week you will understand how frustrating not doing anything is!

This last week I have been planning next years events (beyond the Haglofs 10k in Kendal mid Nov and the hope of maybe the Petzl Night Runner 10k in December) and I have decided to actually enter the the Fylde Tri-ology Series of sprint triathlons based on the rave reviews of some work colleagues (along with some trail 10ks too!) So with that in mind and the lay off from running I have taken back to the pool to try and improve technique and maintain fitness - all was going well until poor form found the knee in pieces again. I really must take up some lessons!!

Wetter than an otter's pocket!
A couple of gym sessions to try and strengthen the knee, plenty of stretching exercises, another swim and a go on the new foam roller (anyone who has rolled out their ITBs, quads or anything will know the agony!!) which brings me to today and the feeling of lethargy from not doing much for the last 2 weeks.

After a dodgy looking morning the afternoon brightened up so I set off out on my trusty steed (pushbike) to clock up some easy miles. 10k in and on the Quay at Lancaster and I can feel the spots of rain slowly dropping from the very black sky above - within 10 mins I am soaked to the bone! I am now as wet as it can possibly get so head down ass up and pedal like it went out of fashion last week - all in all happy with getting out but plenty to improve on for next years tri's.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Coniston 10k - the numbers

Coniston 10k

Bob on the Coniston shore
'Tomy's' My First Race Number!
Well the day finally arrived and this was the setting for my first event - not too shabby for a location really. After ran early start for the hours drive we were pretty much one of the first there to get parked up. 

A quick registration process and then some sitting around waiting for others to arrive and things to get moving. A little wandering around the field to stretch (and some proper stretching of course) a quick peek at the Pete Bland Sports Stall, 3 nervous loo visits and  before you know it is 10:45 and you're being called to line up.

The banter in the holding area was good and it soon dawned on me that there were plenty of others that had never run this course before too, the countdown begins and we're off. Now, having run to the Windmills on Caton Moor a number of times on different routes I felt prepared for the looming ascent - damn fool I hear you cry! Steep doesn't even touch it!

Thanks to James Kirby -
So after 4k you hit the summit of the course and the bloody knees have given out on the uphill, bony, bouldery, muddy, slippy, awesome trail but what goes up must come down. The next 2k would be interesting on the descent to Torver and relatively level ground. Leaping from point to point rather than running whilst trying to absorb as much of my surroundings as possible proved quite difficult as the knees got worse, so a gentle walk ensued whilst I had a good look around too but not before I was captured on camera.

AJ handing me my finishers goody bag
So the last push from Torver onto the lake side and back to the landing point at Coniston Old Hall started and it was back to more comfortable terrain. The sub 1-hour mark had gone out of the window so I was just hoping to finish before the knees exploded. Plenty of encouragement from those around me saw me end up finishing in 69 minutes.

Overall a great trail but never again will I under estimate the Lake District mountains! A massive thanks to Lakeland Trails and all the Marshalls - see you next year!

Friday, 4 October 2013

The night before

Well it's the night before the Coniston 10k I'm all packed ready for the off and feeling good thanks to an hour from Lancaster Massage Therapy - I didn't realise just how sore my legs were! Let's hope for some decent weather so my cheerleaders stay dry whilst tucking into my Cartmel sticky toffee pudding!