As far as I'm aware this is quite a common issue also known as runner's knee so a diet of stretches and exercises are prescribed.
You may have heard of a foam roller?The doctor asked.
Yes!I replied, adding
It hurts like hell when I try to roll my legThe Doc's response
Ah it will do to start with, it must be quite bad but will get better. In the meantime if you feel good for it by all means go for a short run to keep active and all the other muscles working. Also, to aid in the recovery process we can give you a steroid injection, which will work for 3-4 months whilst you build up the supporting muscles to prevent this happening again.Now, for those that know me and my girls you will be aware of the recent steroid injections Helen has had in various joints and I am all too aware of the ensuing pain.
Will it be painful? The girlfriend has had them in her elbows and they were agonyI asked.
There will be a little pain initially but the injection in your knee wont go into any tight joint areas so shouldn't be as badI was reassured.
Sign me up!!So off I popped with an appointment pending for an injection an series of exercises to perform. Around rolled the following Monday and I was itching to get out and try the new headlamp so off I set with a nice little 3k in mind. No more than 300 metres in and I could already feel the impending pain building in my knee but I persevered on. By the time I reached home again I was in agony and knew that maybe another fortnight of exercises were going to be undertaken before trying that again. The following day I could barely walk up the stairs to my office and all was not well again :-(