Saturday, 19 October 2013

Wetter than an otter's pocket

Well it has been a fortnight since the Coniston 10k and the left knee still isn't 100%. So instead of pushing through the pain as I'd normally do I've sat back and rested and god that is hard work - for anyone who is used to going to the gym every day or running 3-4 times a week you will understand how frustrating not doing anything is!

This last week I have been planning next years events (beyond the Haglofs 10k in Kendal mid Nov and the hope of maybe the Petzl Night Runner 10k in December) and I have decided to actually enter the the Fylde Tri-ology Series of sprint triathlons based on the rave reviews of some work colleagues (along with some trail 10ks too!) So with that in mind and the lay off from running I have taken back to the pool to try and improve technique and maintain fitness - all was going well until poor form found the knee in pieces again. I really must take up some lessons!!

Wetter than an otter's pocket!
A couple of gym sessions to try and strengthen the knee, plenty of stretching exercises, another swim and a go on the new foam roller (anyone who has rolled out their ITBs, quads or anything will know the agony!!) which brings me to today and the feeling of lethargy from not doing much for the last 2 weeks.

After a dodgy looking morning the afternoon brightened up so I set off out on my trusty steed (pushbike) to clock up some easy miles. 10k in and on the Quay at Lancaster and I can feel the spots of rain slowly dropping from the very black sky above - within 10 mins I am soaked to the bone! I am now as wet as it can possibly get so head down ass up and pedal like it went out of fashion last week - all in all happy with getting out but plenty to improve on for next years tri's.