Tuesday, 12 November 2013


With the injury having stopped the running and now the clocks have changed too, not to mention the cold and wet weather my motivation has slipped - I say slipped what I mean is completely disappeared, I can only assume it is on a hot Caribbean beach drinking a Mojito!

Despite all the will in the world I have, of late, only managed a couple of poor swim sessions (1 lasted a total of 8 mins due to the pool lighting), a couple of weight sessions and a bit of boxing. However, all that could be due to change.......

....for those that have read the previous post you will be aware of the ITB issue. After a week or so stretching and rolling it does feel better and is now easier to roll plus Friday gone I had the steroid injection to hopefully free it so I can get back to running.

And as I type this the entries for the Fylde Tri-ology series have opened - so all I need to do now is enter!!!