Well it's been a busy old week since the last post - a couple of swims, a cycle and a run (there should've been another run tonight but ....)
Monday saw the return of the weekly squash game where I crashed into the wall straining my neck but not to worry the swim on Tuesday went ahead that was until the cramp in my left leg halted me - a sufficient stretch and back to it this time the right light flying into spasm and putting an end to the session. Walking on Wednesday was stiff as was today so no run :(
Since entering the triathlons I suppose I best start working on my swimming and running and cycling!! Whilst I don't have a dedicated plan I feel just plugging away at each event should get me there whilst throwing in some dual event training sessions - with that in mind I will attempt my first brick on Saturday a 20k bike followed immediately by the 5k run with hopefully a decent swim session either side of it on Friday and Sunday.
I hope to start working my swim time down to 10mins, the bike to 40mins and my 5k time down to sub 25 mins. Plenty of work to do then.....