Wednesday, 11 December 2013

A week off

Having taken a week off work I expected to get some training in most days - but as we all know it often never happens this way what with sofaitis and 'I'll go tomorrow' syndrome. That being said I did manage 3 days of 'training'.

After much procrastination on Monday I eventually got out for a quick run in the afternoon having learned that my squash game was cancelled (the reason for my procrastination). Not wanting to push the knee too hard I set off on the usual flat 5k - by the time I returned home lo and behold a new PB for the 5k! Admittedly still not particularly quick but a PB is a PB!

After the joy of Monday's run I took to the pool on Tuesday afternoon for some more technique training although it does appear I have hit my wall with distance versus speed - more research and training required.

After the swim I had also arranged to pick up my new training tool - report to follow!

Wednesday rolled around and the girlfriend had headed out for an early morning epic half marathon, after her return and imminent 'Ouch, ouch, I'm going for a bath' set in I decided to take advantage of the daylight. As the nights have been dark, dark and darker I have missed out on the trail running I used to enjoy so off into the fields I went. Again, not wanting to push the knee too hard but up my distance I stuck to a relatively flat route. Not exactly a record breaking run but very enjoyable - which is why I started!

Next came Thursday and this it where it all headed south - quite literally. Xmas shopping at Liverpool One, by the time we returned home with a noodle dinner in the belly and plenty of walking around the thought of a run had disappeared. An early morning appointment on Friday and the usual pool closure wrote Friday off to the sofa and a film with the other half.

The weather was the only excuse I needed to put pay to the weekends training!