Wednesday, 18 December 2013

More stupid ideas...

Over the weekend 7/8th December Helen asked me to investigate the Great North Run entry procedure as she quite fancies it next year - the only problem with that is it led me to find the Great North Swim and Great Trail Challenge events:

Hmmmm, I thought a bit open swimming competition might just be the motivation to get up to Jackdaw Quarry or Fell Foot Park for some training ahead of maybe an open water Tri later in the year. Right lets enter it I though thinking a lovely half mile swim would do - but after weighing it up I realised that is only 800m and something I feel pretty comfortable achieving lets go for a mile! Wait, can I actually swim that far a) in 1 go and b) without drowning. The 11k Trail Challenge is also an interesting thought having run the 10k at Coniston earlier this year it is one for the calendar I think - if the knee progresses

So around rolls Monday and with a late squash cancellation I take to the dark, dark streets (it was night, it's not a seedy urban underbelly or anything like that) for a run. Not content on the normal 5k flat route and the with the knee feeling good up the Big Dipper I go to add some distance and hill work to the run. It was a) very dark and b) very cold so whilst no World Records* were going to be set I aimed to enjoy it as much as possible.
Big Dipper 8k

Feeling good after the night before's run Tuesday saw me take to the pool again to get some lengths under my belt for the Tri-Ology events. After a 500m set at what is now my standard pace and 250m set at 6mins I thought

 "I'll just do 500m and head home for some tea"

So 20 lengths later (500m) I keep going to 30 lengths, still feeling good I aim for the full 1k - 40 lengths! Strangely at 40 lengths (furthest distance to date) the thought of The Great North Swim popped back into my head 

"It's only another 24 lengths to hit a mile"

I said to my self (ridiculously). Already quite weary I continued and head for 50 lengths

"No point stopping now"

As 60 lengths tripped on the odometer just 4 to do the agonising cramp kicked in, luckily I managed to kick it out mid swim this time. As I get to 64 I have a niggling thought that a mile is just over 1600m so 66 lengths in total just for good measure in 43:43. As it transpires a mile is 1609m so a good job I added the extra 50m, and in answer to my earlier question apparently I can swim a mlie - now do I enter or not?

*Had it been light and warm NO World Records would've been set either!!