Since my last jaunt out on the bike I have recruited another
17k later in just under an hour it was fair to say that poor Col was, well, err, let's just say he was feeling the burn! Having successfully tried out the road cycling malarkey he seemed sworn on getting one but was a little wary of the sizing guides offered by different manufacturers and was feeling a little overstretched by the Fuji (which to be fair was loaned to me from a 6'+ colleague). A quick bike swap and he felt instantly more comfortable on the Cannondale - at least he now knows what size frame to look for!
With the rest of our Sundays to get on with we went our separate ways for the day. Monday rolled around and was our usual squash encounter - I wish there was a better word for it because what we do isn't actually squash. A quick chat about eBay searches for bikes and the like and Col unveils his magnificent story of how the ride out has hampered his day - mostly whilst having to straddle scaffolding throughout the day oh how I chortled as he winced his way about the squash court that night!!