Well this week marks not only the anniversary of my born day but also the anniversary of the fat lad sweating. It was around this time last year that I started running with new trainers that I bought with the proceeds of my birthday loot so what better way to celebrate than a week off work!
A busy old week was planned with 6 week service for the Cannondale, MOT & Tax for the road bike and cake and pressies for me!!
Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances some of it got put on hold and crammed into a day and half but not to worry as all is well again and I get to play with my new toys!
To start the week off the arduous 48 mile cycle described in a previous post just the thing to ease myself into a weeks holiday. Tuesday saw a return to the physio and more prodding and poking with some extra rehab advice too - I wont bore you with the detail but I need to ice more post run.
Tuesday afternoon was garage time and bike prep - 1 for MOT and 1 for race season - this was cut short by an impromptu visit to the RLI with the daughter which turned into a 2 night stay for her :-(. Wednesday was my birthday spent partly at her bedside with a cherry bakewell 'cake' and some pressie opening and new toys.
Thursday was MOT day and the return of the sickly one (who since then has been curled up on the sofa in the worlds biggest blanket). It was also time for another quick run - nothing much to report as it was all much of a muchness as per recent runs.
Thursday evening was belated cake - nom nom nom!
Which brings us to today - an early start to get the bike serviced and ready for some more punishment in the weeks to come followed by a swim with the new toy - a PoolMate watch. This little gadget is a lap counter, SWOLF gauge and time & distance monitor - It basically times your swims, strokes & efficiency and then presents the info in pretty graphs once you have downloaded it (graphs to follow once I have the download clip thingy!). Setting it up was a piece of (birthday) cake, entering weight (to calculate calories), which wrist you wear it on and how far you want to swim.
With one press your up and monitoring your swim, another press to pause it after a set it then starts timing your rest period another press and set 2 is monitored - so an so forth. Once you have reached the end of your session a long press on the Start key saves your session and you can immediately see all the sets and data relating to them (you can do this mid session too after each set). I have often forgotten how many laps I'm up to whilst trying to glance at the big pool clock to check my time thinking jeez I'm quick tonight only to realise I'm 50m adrift of target distance so this should come in handy to monitor my progress over the coming months. The most helpful part of this watch is the vibrate function which you set to your required distance then with 10m left it vibrates on your wrist to alert you you are almost done.
Anyway more pull buoy training completed and liek I say pretty graphs to follow!
The weekend promises some walking and a lunch/dinner out for my birthday and mothers day (for Helen before you make any wise cracks!) before the impending return to the office next week.