With a view to getting some hill work in and getting back upto 10k out into the fields I head with my route in mind having Google Mapped it. Being the ever conscientious countryside gent I stick to the way marked paths - mistake as I end up nowhere near where I want to be and have to hit the roads to complete the circuit. As I get to the top of the hill I remember a vague tail of another path to take me back towards Caton and the old Forge Mill, so off into another field I trot still not really sure where I'm headed. I end up doing one big u-turn arriving back on the road 300 yards lower than when I went into the field!! (see the 'square circle')
With the light fading fast I give up and stick to what I know - down onto the river. I ended up on hte old faithful river run through some woods - not my greatest idea as it was all but pitch black fortunately I have a rough idea where it heads.
So despite getting lost in the fields and having to avoid rocks and roots in the dark it was a pretty good run.