Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The knee strikes back

After a steady start to the prior week including the aforementioned mile swim the week slowly petered out so to kick start the training again Saturday brought about a trail run - back to what I enjoy most. Out on to an old trusted route a thoroughly enjoyable run despite wet, slippery leaves & wood and boggy mud! The knee held out OK though I was running at a pace to protect it - it does seem a lot a better now I have tried altering my cadence upon the docs advice.

The rain held off (mostly) but the river was in full flow from recent downpours, the fields fairly forgiving too and ever the trail runner looking for the boggy puddles and stream crossings to splash the filth everywhere!!!

Sunday was a different story, a lack of motivation of any kind and a keen sense of staying dry warm.

Monday and back to work with a tower climb on the cards something I've not done in far too long. All was well until the knee packed in 20m up. Having limped off the tower to do some ground level duties it started to feel ok again so squash on Monday was still a green light!

Despite Mondays tweaks in the knee Tuesday brought on a somewhat forced run cut short by the return of the knee - initially feeling it at around 50m I endured it throughout the 4k entirety. That night it was a s sore as it has been in a long time and I can only hope it was from doing too much after hurting it on Monday. Today has been another rest day! but tomorrow back in the pool and hopefully Friday another run. Xmas festivities on Saturday and maybe another brick Sunday!

More stupid ideas...

Over the weekend 7/8th December Helen asked me to investigate the Great North Run entry procedure as she quite fancies it next year - the only problem with that is it led me to find the Great North Swim and Great Trail Challenge events:

Hmmmm, I thought a bit open swimming competition might just be the motivation to get up to Jackdaw Quarry or Fell Foot Park for some training ahead of maybe an open water Tri later in the year. Right lets enter it I though thinking a lovely half mile swim would do - but after weighing it up I realised that is only 800m and something I feel pretty comfortable achieving lets go for a mile! Wait, can I actually swim that far a) in 1 go and b) without drowning. The 11k Trail Challenge is also an interesting thought having run the 10k at Coniston earlier this year it is one for the calendar I think - if the knee progresses

So around rolls Monday and with a late squash cancellation I take to the dark, dark streets (it was night, it's not a seedy urban underbelly or anything like that) for a run. Not content on the normal 5k flat route and the with the knee feeling good up the Big Dipper I go to add some distance and hill work to the run. It was a) very dark and b) very cold so whilst no World Records* were going to be set I aimed to enjoy it as much as possible.
Big Dipper 8k

Feeling good after the night before's run Tuesday saw me take to the pool again to get some lengths under my belt for the Tri-Ology events. After a 500m set at what is now my standard pace and 250m set at 6mins I thought

 "I'll just do 500m and head home for some tea"

So 20 lengths later (500m) I keep going to 30 lengths, still feeling good I aim for the full 1k - 40 lengths! Strangely at 40 lengths (furthest distance to date) the thought of The Great North Swim popped back into my head 

"It's only another 24 lengths to hit a mile"

I said to my self (ridiculously). Already quite weary I continued and head for 50 lengths

"No point stopping now"

As 60 lengths tripped on the odometer just 4 to do the agonising cramp kicked in, luckily I managed to kick it out mid swim this time. As I get to 64 I have a niggling thought that a mile is just over 1600m so 66 lengths in total just for good measure in 43:43. As it transpires a mile is 1609m so a good job I added the extra 50m, and in answer to my earlier question apparently I can swim a mlie - now do I enter or not?

*Had it been light and warm NO World Records would've been set either!!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

A week off

Having taken a week off work I expected to get some training in most days - but as we all know it often never happens this way what with sofaitis and 'I'll go tomorrow' syndrome. That being said I did manage 3 days of 'training'.

After much procrastination on Monday I eventually got out for a quick run in the afternoon having learned that my squash game was cancelled (the reason for my procrastination). Not wanting to push the knee too hard I set off on the usual flat 5k - by the time I returned home lo and behold a new PB for the 5k! Admittedly still not particularly quick but a PB is a PB!

After the joy of Monday's run I took to the pool on Tuesday afternoon for some more technique training although it does appear I have hit my wall with distance versus speed - more research and training required.

After the swim I had also arranged to pick up my new training tool - report to follow!

Wednesday rolled around and the girlfriend had headed out for an early morning epic half marathon, after her return and imminent 'Ouch, ouch, I'm going for a bath' set in I decided to take advantage of the daylight. As the nights have been dark, dark and darker I have missed out on the trail running I used to enjoy so off into the fields I went. Again, not wanting to push the knee too hard but up my distance I stuck to a relatively flat route. Not exactly a record breaking run but very enjoyable - which is why I started!

Next came Thursday and this it where it all headed south - quite literally. Xmas shopping at Liverpool One, by the time we returned home with a noodle dinner in the belly and plenty of walking around the thought of a run had disappeared. An early morning appointment on Friday and the usual pool closure wrote Friday off to the sofa and a film with the other half.

The weather was the only excuse I needed to put pay to the weekends training!

Saturday, 30 November 2013

Another brick in the wall

After the busy week last week I have kinda slumped in the training this week. Monday saw a return to the squash court and some weary muscles strained an pulled which aid me off until Thursday. Thursday night rolled around and I got back to the pool - why I bothered I have no idea it was a total waste of time. Friday I tried to rectify the horror of the night before and had a pretty good session, mixing technique drills with some 'distance' work - I use the quotes as distance would imply a long way!
1x 50m Warm Up 1x 50m Fist Swim 1x 100m Stretch 1x 500m (250m 5:50, 400m 9:50, 500m 12:00) 1x 50m Shoulder Touch 1x 50m Fist Swim 1x 100m Zip Swim 1x 250m (6:00 min)
So after a relatively successful swim I thought Saturday would be a good time to try another brick session. 9am rolls around and off I set into the frost dusted morning down the cycle track aiming to be only as good as my last session. A slightly longer route this week but only 2 seconds in the 16k (10mile race distance) so all in all quite chuffed as it felt agonisingly slow at times. The initial stages were fairly painful due to forgetting my gloves so I was glad to return home with all fingers in tact!!
Parking the bike up I was in 2 minds whether to do the run as the week before was particularly difficult as I couldn't feel my toes, feet, ankles & knees! Putting that out of my mind off I trot on the old faithful route - still not feeling my toes, feet, ankles or knees & fingers this time! Having completed the 4k route I was slightly slower than last week but the knee was much sorer and still aches a little now - back to the docs it would seem!

Well a week off work now so hopefully plenty of training to be done including testing out the new semi-slick tyres for the MTB and maybe even back out into the trails for a run!

Monday, 25 November 2013

Brickin' It

Whilst I'll admit the thought of next years events is daunting, my biggest fear being not finishing them, that is not what the title of the post means!

For those not in the know, a lot like me, a brick is a triathlon training technique completing 2 training sessions back-to-back - ordinarily the bike and run portions.

"Triathletes train for this phenomenon through transition workouts or "bricks": back-to-back workouts involving two disciplines, most commonly cycling and running. (The term "brick" has multiple claims of origination/derivation. Among those is the derivation from a partial anagram of Bike-Run. Also, it may simply be a descriptive term for how your legs feel for the first part of the run. Another is credited to Mark Sisson and Scott Zagarino (1988), who associated the term brick with the idea of "Just another brick in the wall"... as noted in a song by the group "Pink Floyd". Another association of this term has been claimed to originate from a New Zealand athlete by the name of Matt Brick.)" (Wikipedia (bound to be completely factual))

Now we have the definition sorted I thought I'd attempt one. So off out I head on a lovely frosty, crisp Saturday morning - I say frosty and crisp what I really mean is bloody freezing! Bearing in mind this was my first attempt at these back-to-back training sessions I decided to reign the distances in ever so slightly.

Cycling down the quieter than usual cycle path I decided early sessions are going to be the future to avoid dog walkers and all the other users of the path helping me to get into a better rhythm. I soon warmed up with the constant pumping legs although my toes and knees were still taking the brunt of the cold air as I watched parts of my legs get redder and redder. A quick jaunt into Lancaster and a modified route from normal saw me complete a total of just over 17k, now all I had to do was work my legs.

As I set off on my usual route it wasn't so much the feeling of whose legs are these as the lack of feeling in my ice block toes that hindered my start. Being unsure of where and how you are landing yet being able to see every step is quite odd. 2k out and roughly half way my kneed begins to give me a little gip, it may have actually hurt more but my knees were still relatively cold - on the upside I could no feel my toes - ish.

So just over a 17k bike and 4k run complete and I felt ace, especially after the swim session on Friday that was quite productive. All in all a good first brick session.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

The training begins

Well it's been a busy old week since the last post - a couple of swims, a cycle and a run (there should've been another run tonight but ....)

Monday saw the return of the weekly squash game where I crashed into the wall straining my neck but not to worry the swim on Tuesday went ahead that was until the cramp in my left leg halted me - a sufficient stretch and back to it this time the right light flying into spasm and putting an end to the session. Walking on Wednesday was stiff as was today so no run :(

Since entering the triathlons I suppose I best start working on my swimming and running and cycling!! Whilst I don't have a dedicated plan I feel just plugging away at each event should get me there whilst throwing in some dual event training sessions - with that in mind I will attempt my first brick on Saturday a 20k bike followed immediately by the 5k run with hopefully a decent swim session either side of it on Friday and Sunday.

I hope to start working my swim time down to 10mins, the bike to 40mins and my 5k time down to sub 25 mins. Plenty of work to do then.....

Thursday, 14 November 2013

A trilogy of triathlons

Oh dear what have I done - as the end of my last post said the Fylde Tri-ology Series opened for I entered not 1 event but the whole series. So next year I, along with some workmates, will be competing in at least 3 sprint distance triathlons as part of Team Penguin!

To see and be seen!
So with that in mind last nights swim was quite productive and the longest to date - only 750m but still the longest to date. Tonight I thought I'd try a run now that the knee is allegedly fixed - so off I trot into the dark winter night with my latest accessories in tow.
The Led Lenser H7R is quite probably the best headtorch I've used. It has variable brightness and a zoom focus - perfect for lighting up the entire cycle path. The 2 Silva LED lights have a solid and blinking mode making them ideal for visibility.

Anyway back to the run, the knee was holding up fine until about 3k, so backing off the pace a little I managed to 'limp' it home to 4.3k in total. Not bad for the first time out in weeks and the knee felt fine 5mins after getting home so hopefully a few more steady runs and we should be getting somewhere!! Let the training commence......

Tuesday, 12 November 2013


With the injury having stopped the running and now the clocks have changed too, not to mention the cold and wet weather my motivation has slipped - I say slipped what I mean is completely disappeared, I can only assume it is on a hot Caribbean beach drinking a Mojito!

Despite all the will in the world I have, of late, only managed a couple of poor swim sessions (1 lasted a total of 8 mins due to the pool lighting), a couple of weight sessions and a bit of boxing. However, all that could be due to change.......

....for those that have read the previous post you will be aware of the ITB issue. After a week or so stretching and rolling it does feel better and is now easier to roll plus Friday gone I had the steroid injection to hopefully free it so I can get back to running.

And as I type this the entries for the Fylde Tri-ology series have opened - so all I need to do now is enter!!!

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Return of the run

Having been laid up with the knee for so long I decided enough was enough so off to the Doc's I headed. As usual a bit of prodding and poking to make the issue sore to then pinpoint the problem - ITB Syndrome (oh joy I yelped as I tried to straighten my leg)

As far as I'm aware this is quite a common issue also known as runner's knee so a diet of stretches and exercises are prescribed.
You may have heard of a foam roller?
The doctor asked.
I replied, adding
It hurts like hell when I try to roll my leg
 The Doc's response
Ah it will do to start with, it must be quite bad but will get better. In the meantime if you feel good for it by all means go for a short run to keep active and all the other muscles working. Also, to aid in the recovery process we can give you a steroid injection, which will work for 3-4 months whilst you build up the supporting muscles to prevent this happening again.
Now, for those that know me and my girls you will be aware of the recent steroid injections Helen has had in various joints and I am all too aware of the ensuing pain.
Will it be painful? The girlfriend has had them in her elbows and they were agony
I asked.
There will be a little pain initially  but the injection in your knee wont go into any tight joint areas so shouldn't be as bad
I was reassured.
Sign me up!!
So off I popped with an appointment pending for an injection an series of exercises to perform. Around rolled the following Monday and I was itching to get out and try the new headlamp so off I set with a nice little 3k in mind. No more than 300 metres in and I could already feel the impending pain building in my knee but I persevered on. By the time I reached home again I was in agony and knew that maybe another fortnight of exercises were going to be undertaken before trying that again. The following day I could barely walk up the stairs to my office and all was not well again :-(

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Wetter than an otter's pocket

Well it has been a fortnight since the Coniston 10k and the left knee still isn't 100%. So instead of pushing through the pain as I'd normally do I've sat back and rested and god that is hard work - for anyone who is used to going to the gym every day or running 3-4 times a week you will understand how frustrating not doing anything is!

This last week I have been planning next years events (beyond the Haglofs 10k in Kendal mid Nov and the hope of maybe the Petzl Night Runner 10k in December) and I have decided to actually enter the the Fylde Tri-ology Series of sprint triathlons based on the rave reviews of some work colleagues (along with some trail 10ks too!) So with that in mind and the lay off from running I have taken back to the pool to try and improve technique and maintain fitness - all was going well until poor form found the knee in pieces again. I really must take up some lessons!!

Wetter than an otter's pocket!
A couple of gym sessions to try and strengthen the knee, plenty of stretching exercises, another swim and a go on the new foam roller (anyone who has rolled out their ITBs, quads or anything will know the agony!!) which brings me to today and the feeling of lethargy from not doing much for the last 2 weeks.

After a dodgy looking morning the afternoon brightened up so I set off out on my trusty steed (pushbike) to clock up some easy miles. 10k in and on the Quay at Lancaster and I can feel the spots of rain slowly dropping from the very black sky above - within 10 mins I am soaked to the bone! I am now as wet as it can possibly get so head down ass up and pedal like it went out of fashion last week - all in all happy with getting out but plenty to improve on for next years tri's.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Coniston 10k - the numbers

Coniston 10k

Bob on the Coniston shore
'Tomy's' My First Race Number!
Well the day finally arrived and this was the setting for my first event - not too shabby for a location really. After ran early start for the hours drive we were pretty much one of the first there to get parked up. 

A quick registration process and then some sitting around waiting for others to arrive and things to get moving. A little wandering around the field to stretch (and some proper stretching of course) a quick peek at the Pete Bland Sports Stall, 3 nervous loo visits and  before you know it is 10:45 and you're being called to line up.

The banter in the holding area was good and it soon dawned on me that there were plenty of others that had never run this course before too, the countdown begins and we're off. Now, having run to the Windmills on Caton Moor a number of times on different routes I felt prepared for the looming ascent - damn fool I hear you cry! Steep doesn't even touch it!

Thanks to James Kirby -
So after 4k you hit the summit of the course and the bloody knees have given out on the uphill, bony, bouldery, muddy, slippy, awesome trail but what goes up must come down. The next 2k would be interesting on the descent to Torver and relatively level ground. Leaping from point to point rather than running whilst trying to absorb as much of my surroundings as possible proved quite difficult as the knees got worse, so a gentle walk ensued whilst I had a good look around too but not before I was captured on camera.

AJ handing me my finishers goody bag
So the last push from Torver onto the lake side and back to the landing point at Coniston Old Hall started and it was back to more comfortable terrain. The sub 1-hour mark had gone out of the window so I was just hoping to finish before the knees exploded. Plenty of encouragement from those around me saw me end up finishing in 69 minutes.

Overall a great trail but never again will I under estimate the Lake District mountains! A massive thanks to Lakeland Trails and all the Marshalls - see you next year!

Friday, 4 October 2013

The night before

Well it's the night before the Coniston 10k I'm all packed ready for the off and feeling good thanks to an hour from Lancaster Massage Therapy - I didn't realise just how sore my legs were! Let's hope for some decent weather so my cheerleaders stay dry whilst tucking into my Cartmel sticky toffee pudding!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

The Countdown Continues.....

As the day of reckoning draws ever closer I thought I'd make today my last run before the Coniston 10k - I figure a couple of swims and maybe a massage next week is the way to go!

So after Tuesdays 12.5k effort (my longest run) my knees were feeling the strain so Thursday I decide to hit the tarmac again and just keep my hand in with a gentle 5.5k - hardest run ever.
A few days off got me thinking - 'Could I actually run a half Marathon?' with the 3 days rest and a little bit of eagerness to venture into some of the local hills Sunday morning seemed an unlikely candidate for  me to try a half! What a glorious day to set off in to the wild green yonder, with the sun beating down at every turn some welcome shade was sought in forests and woodland I never knew existed. Out on to Caton Moors and behind the local windfarm then down past the old quarry (I had often wondered where the brickworks ropeway went - now I know!) Only a couple of hesitations in the Moors as to whether I was on track but you can't really get too lost all roads lead to somewhere. Out at the Fenwick Arms and dropping down to the river - here was the biggest mis-judgement made to date - always be on the right side of the fence. i got myself hemmed into a corner where jump or long slog back were the options - of course jump I hear you cry. I did! It was a good 10ft vertical into a silty, sludgy beck but I made it. With a good few kilometers left before I hit the magical 21.2k my knees were now really feeling it, mostly from the vicious descent past the quarry but I'm sure the landing from the jump hadn't helped. At 19.5k I felt the will fast leaving me and the knees were giving up quick, but on I trudged in ow walk, jog, ow, ow, ow, walk, jog, ow kind of way eventually making it home - so in answer to my earlier question - yes I can run trail/hill/fell half marathon! Another bonus is that between the calf guards and some kinesiology tape the shins were fine!

Friday, 27 September 2013

The Longest Run

With just over a week to go before my first event I thought I'd have one last long field run, with around 16k in mind I set out once more into the fields behind my old Primary School. It's a fair old ascent the the mere fat lad and by the time I had topped it out I was pretty knackered and could feel the shins starting to act up again.

The next part of the journey was involve a constant uphill slog on tarmac, but with the shins starting again I decided to give it a miss and sacrifice the 16k. Instead I diverted across the 'Big Dipper' (yes, I know more tarmacked hills) and headed for the softer ground of the river.

A new angle on to the river almost brought things to a halt as where I had once known access was all now eroded and fenced off - fear not intrepid readers I got through it (very slowly)! Off around my usual haunt on the river banks this time including the loop by the breakwater towards Halton. From here I ventured further into the woods than ever before expecting to end up somewhere near the old station, sadly it only actually added .5k onto the total.

I was now on the home leg back on the cycle track, my shins were aching and my knee throbbing from a slip I encountered earlier in the week but I pressed on. Into the woods, out of Halton road end and up the hill to home.

Having set out to complete 16k I was semi-glad I hadn't but still chuffed to have completed 12.5k, just a couple more runs now and it will soon be 11am Saturday 5th Otober at Coniston Old Hall waiting for the starters siren!!

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Once was lost.....

Despite the error of my navigation ways on the 20th I sought guidance from a local dog walker and headed back to the fields - success!! The pathway I was searching for was apparently right under my feet!!

So with the sheep seen off I was back onto the tarmac across the 'Big Dipper' down the hill and into the fields by the river as per usual, only this time I added in the extra 1k of the meander in the river. over the pipe bridge and into the woods with the light ever fading this time I was prepared with trusty head torch - that was as much use a candle in the wind (that's 2 song references in this post!)

Woods navigated and back into the fields by the river light still disappearing and mileage not totting up - I had to add the next set of woods in. Ordinarily I'd run these the other way round so figured I'd know what was where how very wrong I was and how very different it was. A vague glimmer of light to show me the way along the knotty, tangled mess of roots only a slip away from being in the drink and my knowledge of what I thought I knew to see me through to the other side. What with it being dark and me not having much light I decided an exploration was the best idea only to hit a dead end and have to come back anyway to the dreaded steps. At this point you should note that the 1 kilometre part of the run that incorporated the steps took nearly 9 mins to complete mostly due to the wet, mossy, shiny, dark, dark steps that go all the way up and then all the way back down!

At last I was out of the woods in more than one way but still short on mileage for the 10k I had in mind. a quick dash up the lit cycle path, a brief stop in the local stores for a pint of milk, a delivery of a spare key and home - now what better way can you think of to spend an evening!!

Friday, 20 September 2013

Lost in a field

With a view to getting some hill work in and getting back upto 10k out into the fields I head with my route in mind having Google Mapped it. Being the ever conscientious countryside gent I stick to the way marked paths - mistake as I end up nowhere near where I want to be and have to hit the roads to complete the circuit. As I get to the top of the hill I remember a vague tail of another path to take me back towards Caton and the old Forge Mill, so off into another field I trot still not really sure where I'm headed. I end up doing one big u-turn arriving back on the road 300 yards lower than when I went into the field!! (see the 'square circle')

With the light fading fast I give up and stick to what I know - down onto the river. I ended up on hte old faithful river run through some woods - not my greatest idea as it was all but pitch black fortunately I have a rough idea where it heads.

So despite getting lost in the fields and having to avoid rocks and roots in the dark it was a pretty good run.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

Saturday Morning Running

Having managed to drag myself from bed before 9am on a Saturday I thought I'd try Wednesdays trail run again - you know just for shits and giggles.

A few stretches, the new (muddy) kit on and we're off. This time remembering not to set off like a scalded cat!

Into the woods again determined not to be beaten by the steps and out around the river - a bit cool and breezy but nice nonetheless. After a short stint on the track I headed into the dew laden fields on the banks of the River Lune (awww - that's poetic isn't it!) the muddy kit now mostly clean but very very wet.

A slight change in the return leg this time coming back down the other side of the river and home via the cycle track again. Another reasonable time but now looking ot build the distance to 10k and 15k with some hill work and hope that he legs hold up - a few little tracks in mind involving Caton Moors so they will probably have to wait for next weekend and some daylight - don't fancy getting lost on the moors it's all a little bit American Werewolf in London!!

Post Run Kit Review

Having given the new kit a little bit of wellie on Wednesday night I am overall pleased with the performance.

The New Balance 710 runners held there own in most places - they tend to shake their head a bit at wet shiny cobbles, wet mossy wood and the deeper muddier puddles. Other than that they were very comfortable both on and off road and also held up to the bits of tarmac running - just how long they'd last full out on tarmac we'll have to wait and see. Despite not being waterproof any water they let in 
Dirty New Balance 710s
(and there was plenty) soon felt dispersed (either that or my feet were too wet to care). The lightweight construction is still very supportive despite feeling like you aren't wearing any shoes. I think for the coming muddier, wetter months I will upgrade to something with a bit more grip as I feel these are better suited to a summer time or drier season trail shoe.

The Zoot calf guards are by far the definite winner in the new kit stakes. From the first step to the day after my legs feel brilliant. They are totally supportive on the run and stabilise any movement preventing any mid-run niggles. After the run and into the day after my calves felt loose and strain free - I feel these were a worthy purchase.
At least my legs were clean!

Back on the horse - so to speak

Wednesday night I managed to get back into the trail running with a chance to try out the new kit mentioned in my previous post. With a little bit of woodland I have run before in my mind I wanted to turn it into and 8k run so off I set in the shiny new trainers and calf guards. being my first run in about a week I clearly had too much energy as it turns out I set off like a scalded cat which made the first 2k very difficult including the uphill woodland step challenge (best said in the voice of Keith Lemon as per a Celebrity Juice challenge!). I managed to settle into a stride and headed off down the banks of the River Lune (sung to the tune of a Madness song) as far as the pipe bridge, across  the fields and onto the cycle track and back home. A sub 50min 8k wasnt too bad for my 1st trail run/8k since return and the prospect of doing it again over the weekend should push me for a similar time.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Kit Review

Before being laid off through injury I had purchased some new trail running shoes as the road shoes just weren't hacking the mud and grass. These are still brand new in the box due to said injury so in the light of having booked 2 trail events I thought I best dust them off and head off in them.

Having read many reviews and looked at all sorts of trail shoes I decided I wanted to see how my first pair would fair so didn't want to spend a fortune - in stepped New Balance Factory Store at Shap. Despite not being my first choice they are still very comfy and supportive (and they're black and orange!!) Plenty of good grippy tread to get stuck into the mud and puddles with once I finally head out - post run review to follow.

Having been injured and still concerned about future injury not only have I looked at some massage for the old legs but have been reading about compression kit. A quick chat with the local Runners Centre and I was sold on a pair of Zoot CRX Calf Sleeves. Hopefully between massage, ice, rest and the sleeves I can keep the calf issues at bay log enough to complete the event I have entered. Again, post run review to follow.

That's Done It!!

Having seen our lass complete her 1st 10k road race coupled with being off for a while it spurred me on to set a goal - so that's what I did. Not once but twice!!

So I am now fully signed up for:

Lakeland Trails Coniston 10k - 05/10/13
Kendal Mountain Festival Haglofs 10k - 16/11/13

All that is left to do is shift the calf problem and get some training done!!

Saturday, 7 September 2013

1st Egg Chase of the Year

Well that was better than expected! Half a game in the back row and a 95 -5 win. Calves as per usual at the moment are now very tight so a swim tomorrow and some rest me thinks!

Friday, 6 September 2013

Recover Run Episode 2

Well I'm back from a fortnight of camping in what turned out to be some reasonable weather - however 16 days on the Isle Of Man is far too long no matter how much you like bikes!!

A little light cycling and plenty of walking was about the only exercise I got in between twirling spanners and splashing fuel about but the daft lad came home in one piece and with another replica for his finishing time so well done Crofty (apart from smooching Nick Jefferies!)

Now that's all over and done with back to my running. This week I have managed to get out twice for a couple more light runs to test out how the leg is holding up - new orthotics in and off we go.....


A reasonable effort given a fortnight of Stella, Pizza, Kebab, Stella, Curry, Chinese & Stella


Again steady away so not to tempt fate!

Well the weekend is upon us so I was planning an 8-10k trail to get back into the offroad stuff but an offer of a run out with Kirkby 2nds has reared it's head so I may well go egg chasing instead and swim on Sun - I guess we'll wait and see........

Recovery Run - Episode 1

After a couple of weeks out I decided to try a quick run beofre heading off to the Isle Of Man for just over 2 weeks. I was feeling fit and just wanted to get back out there....
Not a bad effort after injury! A fortnight off now.....

Monday, 12 August 2013

Motorbiking, Motorbiking

Another signature from Aintree!!

My 2nd outing at Aintree was blessed with mostly good weather, a brief shower in the morning soon blew out and we were left with glorious sunshine for the rest of the day. A steady start and some pointers from some seasoned veterans (2013 Champion & Team Boss) saw me progress to getting some good corner speed (apparently) and eventually getting some of the corners nearly right!!

However, being lapped race after race did nothing for my confidence neither did the odd excursion grass tracking. All this plus a bit of de-hydration made me fall out with myself and only compete in 3 of my 4 races.

On my return home I compared last outings pace with Saturdays to find almost a 10mph avg speed increase!! Maybe I should've listened to my experienced team and stayed for the last race - oh well there is always next time!!

(pic to follow....)

Sunday, 4 August 2013

The Shin Splint Saga

So still suffering from the shin splints despite exercises, compression bandages and ice I thought I'd try and maintain my motivation with some swimming.

Sunday afternoon:

After a nice swim on the Sunday I was up for some early morning swims before work so got straight back in the pool on Monday morning - mistake!! Shoulders and legs were still hanging from what I thought was a leisurely swim on the Sunday.

Still keen, or so I thought, it took 2 days to return to the pool due to lack of AM motivation (something I have been plagued with for a long time!). Thursdays effort was good completing another 500m set. Shoulders, legs an old rugby injuries made me start to wonder if some dry land exercises wouldn't go a miss so back to the weights bench and stretch exercises for me!

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Shin Splints Pt.2

So the agony continues, today having just meandered around town and the shops I find my self in pain again. Out with the compression bandages and ice packs it is and it looks like it'll have to bee a quiet week on the roads and trail until the pain disappears.

Luckily, it's £1 a swim week at the local pool and I'm on lates so an early AM start in the pool before work most days and maybe a bike ride or two should keep me from wallowing around. On the topic of swimming and trying to improve I took a trip to the local outdoor facility today to scope it out. Jackdaw Quarry plays host to Capernwray Dive Centre with a 500m swim course around the perimeter:

Also on the upside I have entered my 2nd motorcycle race on the 10th August - all I have left to do is put the bike back together!

Saturday, 27 July 2013

A busy ol' week & shin splints

It's been a few days since my last post but I have packed in a couple more activities through the week. After the epic uphill journey on Tuesday I thought I'd have have a swim on the Wednesday for a bit of a rest - swimming not currently my strongest suit!

Another run followed on Thursday with some more hill work which in comparison to Tuesday felt like a walk in the park (well nearly!) Choosing a shorter run I hoped to save myself for my 1st 15k on Saturday sadly by the end my legs were in tatters and I am now suffering with shin splints.

So shin splits to one side Friday brought about an impromptu bike ride - nothing too mental or stressful but parts were ridden in anger whilst parts were ridden at chat pace.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The White Stones 10k

With the previous post in mind and the fact the weather had apparently cooled off I thought tonight would be ideal for a new uphill, field run WRONG!

Despite living in the area all my life I somehow forgot how long an steep the first 3.5k are not to mention the sun decided to pop his hat back on for the me!! Uphill done into the fields and tracks - this bit I bloody loved (and it helped I knew I was on the way downhill now too!)

After the downhill I hit my familiar 5k stomping ground of level tarmac track and I felt surprisingly fresh adn in good form or was it just  that it was now flat? Either way on I pressed to my 3rd sub 1 hour 10k which I am again proper chuffed with  considering the new route.

Will Power.....

As I mentioned in my Bio page competitiveness is something that never really leaves you once you have been involved in sports, however will power is a completely different beast.....

....You may recall the Outlaw Triathletes I mentioned, well one of them has already decided on his next event

The only down side to this post is that many other people are also friends with Richard and as such see his status updates - they are also free to comment on them:

Now whilst I'm aware I am no where near a marathon let alone an ultra marathon my curiosity got the better of me so off I went to investigate the Gower Coastal Ultra Marathon only to find a 10k Coastal Trail event too.

Well, I thought, this could be right up my alley a 10k trail challenge before the years out should give me plenty of focus and something to aim at, then the goading began:

So back to the original topic will power, do I:
A) Have enough will power to rise above the goading & competitive streak, or
B) Collapse under the pressure and enter this!
For those of you that know me I think we all know where this is heading!

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Color Run Manchester 2013

The Color Runners

Well that was an eventful day! Approx 6000 runners/walkers/strollers all covered head to toe in a plethora of powder. As if a 5k run and being dusted in a different color every 1k isn't enough the finishers then get into the powder party at the end.

Everyone enjoyed it by all accounts - however they may still be cleaning the colour out for the next week!!!

The Colored Runners

The Color Run

Good luck to everyone running in Manchester today at The Color Run. My Color Runner is super excited!

Never drink & run!

Well today is the day of The Color Run so we are all up early as Helen is giddier than giddy kipper on Christmas morning! With the prospect of being out all day I decided to motivate myself for a quick run this morning, however, all that sunshine cider is definitley having other ideas!
Saturday + Sunshine + Cricket = Cider
Cider + Sunday + Morning + Run = A little green around the gills
That said I'm up, the run is done & I am literally sweating cider. Plenty of re-hydration thanks to @nuun and a load of laughs in Manchester at the Colour Run.

To run or not to run...

Well it was a Hot Sunny Saturday and having taken the car for an MOT it got to mid-morning before I was good to go and to be perfectly honest it was too feckin' hot so a swim it was! And as everything seems to be at the minute it was bloody hard work!

Thursday, 18 July 2013


Well after a quick scour of the internet I have found some events to whet my appetite!

Sadly there are a few this month and I don't feel I'm prepared enough to do them justice but I've included them anyway more so to remind me to aim at them next year!

One event not on the calendar is the Runners World Trailblazer as they have already been this year - but keep an eye out for me for next years dates!

As I have only recently taken back to the pool and never swam in open water I think this years Cockerham Sprint Tri is ambitious - god knows I could do without drowning!!

Thursday 8K River Trail

Well tonight was bloody hot but strangely enjoyable! A tricky bit of woodland in the first couple of K followed by some welcome shade along the old railway track. Follow these guys @nuun to keep hydrated peeps!!

Run History

Whilst all my new and current events will be published individually you may like to check out my history here Bob's Runkeeper History - all events prior to 18.07.13 were completed with my trusty HTC phone and runkeeper app. I now have a shiny new Garmin GPS watch!!

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


With a day off from any exercise im just chilling tonight with the prospect of an 8k tomorrow.